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[YONSEI CS BK21 Seminar] Input Devices for Extreme Human Performance_2021.05.26_17:00

관리자 2021.05.24 11:50 조회 367
  • 제목: Input Devices for Extreme Human Performance
  • 강사: 김선준 교수님 (DGIST)
  • 일시: 2021년 5월 26일 (수요일) 오후 5시
  • 링크: 각 방장들에게 메일로 공지

Peripheral devices, especially input devices, are the primary channel to communicate with a computing system. Nowadays, computer interfaces are more than just functional devices. More efficient delivery of information is the key challenge. For example, in the world of pro gamers, an advantage of even one frame (<0.01 seconds) can determine the winner and loser. Proper interface design should minimize the loss of information during the execution. Also, the sensors and transmission pipeline should be optimized for minimum latency as well as maximal accuracy and precision. On top of that, human factors are also important. Ideally, the interface could be adapted for each individual, called a personalized interface. Just a small change in the device parameter changes the perceived quality of the input and task performance. In this talk, I introduce numeral cases of computer input devices that aim for maximal human performance, and their qualitative and quantitative evaluation results.

Sunjun Kim is an assistant professor in DGIST, South Korea, leading Smart Input Device Lab. He worked as a postdoc researcher in the User Interfaces Group at Aalto University, Finland, from 2017 to 2020. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from KAIST in Feb 2017 under the supervision of Professor Geehyuk Lee. He published a number of papers at CHI and UIST conferences in recent years. His expertise is specialized in performance optimization of input device design, text entry system and study, touch screen interaction, and haptic.