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[YONSEI CS BK21 Seminar] Techniques for Building Data-Driven Interfaces_2021.03.31, 17:00

관리자 2021.03.25 11:39 조회 296
  • 제목: Techniques for Building Data-Driven Interfaces
  • 강사: 장민석 박사님 (Naver AI Lab)
  • 일시: 2021331(수요일) 오후 5
  • 링크: https://yonsei.zoom.us/j/87253928059?pwd=VGpjamZSaTNra3k1ZXQrOENDOUYrUT09

  • Abstract:
Data-driven interactive systems are made powerful by user interactions. Because such systems ultimately become useful only if they positively affect our experience, building such systems for real world tasks introduce data challenges; Usable, clean, and meaningful "human data" are difficult to find and obtain. In this talk, I will present how three completely different types of "human data" - naturally crowdsourced knowledge, real-time user demonstrations, and synthetically constructed text - can be leveraged to facilitate various data-driven interfaces we use. By applying techniques in human computation and machine learning, I demonstrate how to design better intelligent and adaptive systems for real-world use.

  • Bio:
Minsuk Chang is a research scientist at Naver AI Lab, currently running a research team at the intersection of HCI and AI. His research explores novel techniques in computational interaction powered by AI technologies by building AI powered systems with users in the loop. He received his phd in computer science from KAIST school of computing. Before his phd, he worked as a quantitative researcher at Coastal Management (now part of Sun Trading), a Wall street hedge fund specializing in Equity Derivatives.